For most people when they think of October they think of cooler weather,changing leaves and Halloween. October has a deeper meaning for me, it is when everyone shows support for breast cancer survivors and fighters.
I am going to share something personal with you that only a handful of people know about me.
When i was 18 years old i found a lump in my right breast. I remember thinking "Oh its no big deal, ill go see my gyno and have an excused day off of work." WRONG. I remember the doctors face when she came in. She looked like i was over reacting but she examined me anyways. She confirmed my suspicion and said "Yes, you do have a lump, actually two" and scheduled an ultra sound for the next week.
I was so scared I remember my stomach being in knots and feeling the room spin. How could this be happening to me?
A week later I had my ultra sound and my mom had her mammogram done. We went our separate ways. In my ultra sound they confirmed the two lumps and advised me i needed to get a biopsy done as soon as possible. I wanted to cry. I still remember how i felt that day, i can even remember what the room looked like.
So i had the biopsy done two weeks later. It was the worst pain Ive ever felt but the worst part of all of this was waiting for the results to come back. The results came back benign but i have to have yearly check ups until I'm 28.
Im happy to say that last month during my yearly checkup everything came out okay.
As i sit and think of what i went through, all of the crying and stress of wondering what if, i cant even imagine how people fight this horrible disease. How do they stay positive? I don't have an answer to that question. All i can do is show my love and appreciation for all the fighters,survivors and the ones who didn't make it.
A few items ive bought this month to show my support (except the shirt that i bought last year. I am still looking for a new shirt but havent came across any yet)

Prevention is key. Always check for lumps once a month!
For more information visit:
Thanks for reading and don't forget to show your support!
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